Bequest Language

Unrestricted outright gift
"I give to Woodland Healthcare Foundation, a California non-for-profit corporation located in Woodland, CA _______ dollars or _______ percent to be used as the Trustees of Woodland Healthcare Foundation may direct."

Outright gift to a specific program or Sister of Mercy ministry
"I give to Woodland Healthcare Foundation, a California non-for-profit corporation located in Woodland, CA, _______ dollars or _______ percent to be used for (specific program, ministry, or facility name)."

Gift of residuary estate
"All of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal of whatever kind and wherever situated, which I may own or have the right to dispose of at the time of my death, I give to Woodland Healthcare Foundation, a California non-for-profit corporation located in Woodland, CA, to be used as the Trustees of Woodland Healthcare may direct (or specific restriction as shown in #2)."

Contingent gift
"I give to (named non-charitable beneficiary) _______ dollars, but if he (she) shall not be living then I give the same to Woodland Healthcare Foundation, a California non-for-profit corporation located in Woodland, CA to be used as the Trustees of Woodland Healthcare Foundationmay direct (or specific restriction as shown in #2)."

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